syntax highlighting – EmEditor (Text Editor) Best Text Editor, Code Editor, CSV Editor, Large File Viewer for Windows (Free versions available) Mon, 26 May 2014 14:58:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mixed configirations Mon, 26 May 2014 14:56:17 +0000 I am a PHP developer and I write scripts for VQMod. They all have mixed content: XML + PHP mostly (JS can be added as well). I love, when text is highlighted, but XML and PHP doesn’t mix well. See for yourself:

Problem’s very simple: EmEditor thinks, that -> is a closing tag for previously opened < tag, however it’s not. The same happens in most similar cases (e.g.:, simple string like this “<“ will “open” the highlighted text):

Could you add a feature to add a list of EXCLUDED symbols or symbol combinations for each highlighted option? I mean add a “Exclude tags” field on Highlight (1) tab near “Begin tag” and “End tag” ones. For example, in fore-mentioned cases I’d add ->, “>” and “<“ combinations, since they always interfere.

Regular Expressions example in Syntax highlighting file Sat, 01 Feb 2014 12:33:53 +0000 Can anybody give me an example of how do I use regular expressions in syntax highlighting file (*.esy) to do either one of the following:
1. How to not consider '$#myArray' a comment? (In Perl, the highest value of the index in @myArray can be obtained as $#myArray)
2. How do I treat a Perl keyword as a variable name when it is prefixed with a ‘sigil’ namely'$', '@', '%' or '&'? (For example, 'date' is a keyword, but $date is a perfectly legal variable name.)
3. Similar to the above, how do I treat a Perl object method name as such, even if it is a keyword? (For example, the 'warn' part of $myObject->warn is a ‘method’ of the object '$myObject', not a Perl keyword.)
